

"When I first reached out to Ashley for lactation assitance I was beyond overwhelmed, I had support but was the first in my family to breastfeed. I am truly grateful for her services. Ashley was very professional throughout, she let me share my story and experiences and she asked genuine questions and showed compassion and empathy with the challenges I was facing. Prior to working with Ashley I had spoken to doctors and nurses and expressed concern over how long my son was breastfeeding for, they advised it was “normal newborn behavior.” I continued to face challenges and was given guidance from lactation consultants, and followed their recommendations. Despite doing this my son was slow to gain weight, I felt defeated. I was desperate for help and had learned that an IBCLC has the highest training in breastfeeding. I then reached out to Ashley. Having her come to my home was a huge bonus as a new mom, I was able to practice nursing positions in our spots. She helped me with positioning by showing me several nursing positions, and she assisted in showing me how to get a deeper latch. As she watched my son feed and I cried about his slow weight gain Ashley asked if my son had been assessed for ties, I had mentioned that I had asked but doctors pushed it off. Ashley encouraged me to reach out to another provider to get a second opinion and I’m so glad she did. We met with a pediatric dentist who was able to assess and correct his tongue and lip tie. Ashley continued to be a source of support following the revision until we no longer needed help! I highly recommend Ashley’s service!!"


"I can’t recommend Ashley enough, she is a miracle worker. My little guy was born premature and breastfeeding was a struggle from the start. Scheduling an appointment was easy. With Ashley’s support, after her first visit my newborn was latching and feeding at the breast. She taught me so much about breastfeeding and I felt that I finally had the tools to continue. Ashley is amazing to work with and I can’t thank her enough for her help."

-Katie Dawson-Ekberg

"Ashley offered encouragement and support in a compassionate manner. I wish I had found her sooner in my breastfeeding journey, it would have saved me so much time and energy looking for answers on my own!"

-Natalie Z.

"I felt so stuck prior to meeting with Ashley. She addressed all of my needs and had some great ideas that I hadn’t tried before. The pressure I put on myself is reduced and I finally feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thankful for her expertise and care!"


"I cannot recommend Ashley enough! She gave me the confidence and support I needed to finally nurse my baby."


"Breastfeeding was a lot harder than I thought, and pumping was painful, we felt like we didn’t know what we were doing (first baby). After one visit with Ashley my baby was nursing, with no nipple shield! She measured my nipples and recommended different flanges for my pump. Game changer! Pumping no longer hurt and I saw a huge increase in my milk supply! I would recommend her to anyone who is questioning themselves or is having any sort of difficulties. We can’t thank her enough!"


"Ashley was so helpful when it came to our lactation issues and questions. Her knowledge and expertise are second to none. Her professional and supportive personality made it easy to discuss our current situation. She created a comfortable environment the moment she stepped through the door. As a first time mom, I am so grateful for her help, knowledge, and passion for what she does. I was confused and doubtful prior to working with Ashley, but afterwards, felt that I had the correct information and more tools available to move forward with nursing. Ashley was also very helpful in providing information and ways for my partner to help and support as well."

-Jen Mistry